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The New York Building Congress has been a longstanding advocate of the Access to the Region’s Core (ARC) project.  Increasing transit capacity across the Hudson River between Midtown Manhattan and New Jersey is critical to advancing the economic competitiveness of our region and improving the quality of life of our residents.  Therefore, on behalf of 1,500 members from 400 constituent organizations, we are pleased to support a project that is much needed and holds enormous promise for the long-term future of New York and New Jersey.
The Northeast rail system connecting New York, New Jersey, Washington and Boston, currently strains under the limitations of 100-year-old, one-track-in-one–track-out rail infrastructure crossing the Hudson River.  Continued reliance on this constrained infrastructure, which is already running at capacity, jeopardizes the reliability and security of the transportation system.  The problem will only get worse as the region’s population and economy grow and the number of people using the trans-Hudson commuter rail system increases.
In research performed on behalf of the New York Building Congress, New York City’s population is projected to approach nine million by 2025, gaining more than one million people since 2002, with a commensurate growth in jobs and economic activity. Similarly, according to the Environmental Impact Statement for the ARC project, New Jersey’s population is projected to grow to over 10 million by 2025, an increase of more than 1.5 million over 2000.   New Jersey’s labor force is projected to reach five million by 2025.  In addition, the populations of Orange and Rockland Counties in New York also continue to swell.
The Trans Hudson Express directly addresses the access and mobility demands for this broad regional growth, especially since trans-Hudson auto crossings also are at or near capacity.  THE Tunnel will more than double the rail system’s capacity, enhanced by more one-seat ride service, and reduce facility crowding by adding a new 34th Street station between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, and passenger connections to Penn Station, PATH and subway stations.  These improvements will not only attract ridership, but also reduce roadway congestion and make important improvements to air quality. 
Other significant immediate and long-term economic benefits of THE Tunnel to the region include the creation of approximately 6,000 construction jobs each year during the construction period and a gain of about 44,000 net new permanent jobs.  Gross regional product is projected to increase by $10 billion and the total personal income benefit for the region is expected to reach $4 billion. 
Clearly, THE Tunnel can become one of the most cost-effective 21st Century regional investments.  Today’s hearing, pursuant to the eminent domain procedure law, is an essential part of this process.  We believe the Port Authority is taking the necessary steps to meet project objectives that will ensure funding and continuity with minimal disruption to surrounding property owners.  We appreciate the efforts of both the Port Authority and New Jersey Transit to implement a project of this scope with relatively minor impacts.
The Port Authority and NJ Transit are already underway building one of the most significant pieces of new infrastructure in our region in generations.  We applaud their efforts and support the actions necessary to completing this worthy effort.

The New York Building Congress has been a longstanding advocate of the Access to the Region’s Core (ARC) project.  Increasing transit capacity across the Hudson River between Midtown Manhattan and New Jersey is critical to advancing the economic competitiveness of our region and improving the quality of life of our residents.  Therefore, on behalf of 1,500 members from 400 constituent organizations, we are pleased to support a project that is much needed and holds enormous promise for the long-term future of New York and New Jersey.
The Northeast rail system connecting New York, New Jersey, Washington and Boston, currently strains under the limitations of 100-year-old, one-track-in-one–track-out rail infrastructure crossing the Hudson River.  Continued reliance on this constrained infrastructure, which is already running at capacity, jeopardizes the reliability and security of the transportation system.  The problem will only get worse as the region’s population and economy grow and the number of people using the trans-Hudson commuter rail system increases.
In research performed on behalf of the New York Building Congress, New York City’s population is projected to approach nine million by 2025, gaining more than one million people since 2002, with a commensurate growth in jobs and economic activity. Similarly, according to the Environmental Impact Statement for the ARC project, New Jersey’s population is projected to grow to over 10 million by 2025, an increase of more than 1.5 million over 2000.   New Jersey’s labor force is projected to reach five million by 2025.  In addition, the populations of Orange and Rockland Counties in New York also continue to swell.
The Trans Hudson Express directly addresses the access and mobility demands for this broad regional growth, especially since trans-Hudson auto crossings also are at or near capacity.  THE Tunnel will more than double the rail system’s capacity, enhanced by more one-seat ride service, and reduce facility crowding by adding a new 34th Street station between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, and passenger connections to Penn Station, PATH and subway stations.  These improvements will not only attract ridership, but also reduce roadway congestion and make important improvements to air quality. 
Other significant immediate and long-term economic benefits of THE Tunnel to the region include the creation of approximately 6,000 construction jobs each year during the construction period and a gain of about 44,000 net new permanent jobs.  Gross regional product is projected to increase by $10 billion and the total personal income benefit for the region is expected to reach $4 billion. 
Clearly, THE Tunnel can become one of the most cost-effective 21st Century regional investments.  Today’s hearing, pursuant to the eminent domain procedure law, is an essential part of this process.  We believe the Port Authority is taking the necessary steps to meet project objectives that will ensure funding and continuity with minimal disruption to surrounding property owners.  We appreciate the efforts of both the Port Authority and New Jersey Transit to implement a project of this scope with relatively minor impacts.
The Port Authority and NJ Transit are already underway building one of the most significant pieces of new infrastructure in our region in generations.  We applaud their efforts and support the actions necessary to completing this worthy effort.

Published on

Jul 7, 2010 by New York Building Congress


The New York Building Congress has been a longstanding advocate of the Access to the Region’s Core (ARC) project.  Increasing transit capacity across the Hudson River between Midtown Manhattan and New Jersey is critical to advancing the economic competitiveness of our region and improving the quality of life of our residents.  Therefore, on behalf of 1,500 members from 400 constituent organizations, we are pleased to support a project that is much needed and holds enormous promise for the long-term future of New York and New Jersey.
The Northeast rail system connecting New York, New Jersey, Washington and Boston, currently strains under the limitations of 100-year-old, one-track-in-one–track-out rail infrastructure crossing the Hudson River.  Continued reliance on this constrained infrastructure, which is already running at capacity, jeopardizes the reliability and security of the transportation system.  The problem will only get worse as the region’s population and economy grow and the number of people using the trans-Hudson commuter rail system increases.
In research performed on behalf of the New York Building Congress, New York City’s population is projected to approach nine million by 2025, gaining more than one million people since 2002, with a commensurate growth in jobs and economic activity. Similarly, according to the Environmental Impact Statement for the ARC project, New Jersey’s population is projected to grow to over 10 million by 2025, an increase of more than 1.5 million over 2000.   New Jersey’s labor force is projected to reach five million by 2025.  In addition, the populations of Orange and Rockland Counties in New York also continue to swell.
The Trans Hudson Express directly addresses the access and mobility demands for this broad regional growth, especially since trans-Hudson auto crossings also are at or near capacity.  THE Tunnel will more than double the rail system’s capacity, enhanced by more one-seat ride service, and reduce facility crowding by adding a new 34th Street station between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, and passenger connections to Penn Station, PATH and subway stations.  These improvements will not only attract ridership, but also reduce roadway congestion and make important improvements to air quality. 
Other significant immediate and long-term economic benefits of THE Tunnel to the region include the creation of approximately 6,000 construction jobs each year during the construction period and a gain of about 44,000 net new permanent jobs.  Gross regional product is projected to increase by $10 billion and the total personal income benefit for the region is expected to reach $4 billion. 
Clearly, THE Tunnel can become one of the most cost-effective 21st Century regional investments.  Today’s hearing, pursuant to the eminent domain procedure law, is an essential part of this process.  We believe the Port Authority is taking the necessary steps to meet project objectives that will ensure funding and continuity with minimal disruption to surrounding property owners.  We appreciate the efforts of both the Port Authority and New Jersey Transit to implement a project of this scope with relatively minor impacts.
The Port Authority and NJ Transit are already underway building one of the most significant pieces of new infrastructure in our region in generations.  We applaud their efforts and support the actions necessary to completing this worthy effort.