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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 25, 2024

“After years of support from labor, industry, and M/WBE leaders, the New York Building Congress is thrilled to see the Governor sign this important legislation that will help our City deliver quality results for New Yorkers in a more efficient, transparent, and equitable manner.

CM-Build and expanded design-build authority will enable New York City to employ alternative procurement methods on cultural institutions and libraries, as well as crucial infrastructure upgrades we need to address to make a more resilient city. We have long advocated for public procurement to reward value and experience, and this package will do just that — helping pave the way for M/WBE opportunities and good paying construction jobs. We look forward to working together in upcoming sessions to continue to reform our state’s procurement processes and expand the use of alternative delivery.” — Carlo A. Scissura, Esq., President & CEO, New York Building Congress.


Published on

Nov 25, 2024
