Statement of Richard T. Anderson, President, New York Building Congress, on the New York State Budget Agreement
Published on Mar 27, 2012 by
Contact: Cathy DelliCarpini-Kruse (212) 481-9230
Contact: Bud Perrone (212) 843-8068
March 27, 2012 – The New York Building Congress congratulates Governor Cuomo, Speaker Silver and Majority Leader Skelos for reaching a comprehensive and responsible budget agreement. We are particularly gratified that the agreement includes the New York Works Task Force, which will coordinate the capital programs of the State’s many agencies and authorities; increases State investment in energy transmission; and fully funds the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s five-year capital plan. Each of these initiatives will facilitate critical infrastructure improvements, create jobs and improve New York’s competitiveness and quality of life. Our members in the design, construction and real estate community look forward to helping to bring to fruition the goals in the agreement.
The New York Building Congress is a membership coalition of business, labor, association and government organizations promoting the design, construction and real estate industry in New York City.