Statement from Carlo A. Scissura on the Appointment of Department of Transportation Acting Commissioner Margaret Forgione
Published on Dec 4, 2020 by

CONTACT: Meg Fitzgerald,; (406) 696-1237
“After years of commendable leadership under Polly Trottenberg, we look forward to continuing to work closely with the Department of Transportation under Acting Commissioner Margaret Forgione,” said Carlo A. Scissura, President and CEO of the New York Building Congress. “Now is a critical time for public transportation in the city, as the pandemic has deeply affected one of the most essential systems in New York. We must take the opportunity to invest in critical infrastructure that will bring New York City’s public transit back to life.”
About The New York Building Congress
The New York Building Congress, a broad-based membership association celebrating its 99th year, is committed to promoting the growth and success of the construction industry in New York City and its environs. Learn more about the New York Building Congress at