New York Building Congress Announces Creation of World Trade Center Memorial Fund
Published on Sep 17, 2021 by

Contact: Cathy DelliCarpini-Kruse (212) 481-9230
Contact: Bud Perrone (212) 843-8068
New York, September 17, 2001
– In response to the tragic consequences of the attack on the
World Trade Center on September 11, and the outpouring of offers
of support from representatives of the design, construction and
real estate industry, the New York Building Congress has established
a World Trade Center Memorial Fund through its New York Building
Foundation. The Fund will accept contributions from firms, organizations
and individuals who wish to direct their support to the families
of victims who served the industry and to area restoration. To most
effectively administer the Fund, contributions will be dispersed
in consultation with contributors and other industry organizations
sponsoring similar efforts, and will be guided by the Building Foundation’s
Board of Governors.
“The inspiration for this fund was the overwhelming desire
expressed by many of our colleagues, particularly Alan Traugott
of Flack & Kurtz, to help those in our industry who have been
harmed by this brutal attack,” said Building Congress Chairman
Jeffrey M. Levy, President and COO of EMCOR Group, Inc. “With
this vehicle, we hope to galvanize the industry’s support and bring
some relief to those who have most accutely felt the impact of this
horrible event.”
“One of the primary goals of the Building Foundation has always
been to assist New York City and its residents through philanthropic
activities that take advantage of the expertise of our members,”
said New York Building Foundation Chairman John F. Hennessy III,
Chairman and CEO of Syska & Hennessy, Inc. “Now, we are
faced with an unimaginable tragedy that requires more than our professional
skills. It requires our empathy, our compassion, and our support
of the families of our friends in the industry and beyond whose
jobs may have cost them their lives.” Mr. Hennessy noted that
the first contribution to the Fund in the amount of $10,000 has
been pledged, on his firm’s behalf, by Leevi Kiil, Chairman &
CEO of HLW International LLP. He added that Mr. Levy and Building
Congress President Richard T. Anderson are recommending to the Board
of Directors that the Building Congress pledge another $50,000 to
the Fund.
The New York Building Foundation was formed in 1998 to promote
the long-term growth and well being of the industry through a program
of research, educational and philanthropic activities. The Foundation’s
World Trade Center Memorial Fund is accepting donations effective
immediately. Checks should be made payable to NYBF World Trade Center
Memorial Fund and mailed to
The New York Building Foundation
c/o New York Building Congress,
44 West 28th Street, 12th Floor,
New York, New York, 10001.
For more information, contact Richard T. Anderson, President, at
(212) 481-9230.
The New York Building Congress is a membership coalition of business, labor, association and government organizations promoting the design, construction and real estate industry in New York City.